Starting Nursery

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It is recognized by the staff that starting nursery is a great step in your child's life. We will do all we can to help them feel welcome.

We are aware of the tremendous input that you, as parents, have already made in the education of your child and we acknowledge your role as the child's first educator. From birth, children learn many things. You have already played an important part in this process of learning and we look forward to developing a partnership with you in these valuable early years.

Starting nursery is a very exciting time for young children and together we can make it a very happy and rewarding time. Please attend the nursery open day in the summer term before your child starts in nursery. Before starting nursery, talk to your child about coming to nursery, about the things they will be doing and the people they will be meeting. It is helpful to use our names so that they will be familiar with them.

It is important to remember that young children vary tremendously in the way in which they react to new experiences so do allow your child plenty of time to get used to nursery – some children may take longer to settle than others.

When you do leave your child for the first time, it is best to do so for only a short period, building up the time over a few days if necessary. Always make sure that you say “goodbye” to your child and tell them when you will be coming back and what you will be doing whilst you are away.

When your child starts nursery you, they will attend for either two morning sessions or two afternoon sessions for the first two weeks in order to allow for a settling in period. By admitting the children in small groups we find that the children are able to settle more quickly and easily into the nursery routine, making the transition from home to nursery as smooth as possible for both children and parents.

Kings Heath Primary School
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