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Kings Heath Primary School Nursery currently runs from Monday morning to Wednesday lunchtime. It is possible to pay for additional hours so your child can attend Wednesday afternoons too. 

Whilst these hours have been in place for a couple of years, these are not set in stone and are adaptable depending on parent/carer interest in Nursery places. 

There are many benefits to your child attending a school-based Nursery. The curriculum and behaviour expectations aligns to the rest of the school and therefore, transition to Reception is often seamless. 

At the core of our Nursery curriculum is language development. We foster a language rich approach that is reflected in the enabling Nursery environment. We also understand that before our children can be expected to pick up a pencil and engage in fine motor tasks, they must first become confident and proficient in whole body, gross motor movements; running, jumping, climbing, crawling - the fundamental movement skills. 

If you would like an informal visit to our Nursery or to have a chat with leaders, please contact the main office to arrange. We will be more than happy to accommodate this.