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PE & Sport

Pupils at Kings Heath Primary receive specialist training in PE from Central Education.  A broad and balanced curriculum is delivered to pupils, which promotes healthy choices and develops motor skills and awareness within sports.  The curriculum covers all aspects of PE: net and wall, striking and fielding, dance, gymnastics, athletics, invasion, swimming and leadership.  PE is taught weekly from Nursery to Year 6 with swimming offered to pupils in Years 3 and 6.

Specialist Coaches are from Central Education, and they deliver our PE lessons and extra curricular activities.   Central Education are a team of professional, qualified and enthusiastic sports teachers who provide high-quality, progressive and inclusive programmes of sport, dance and gymnastics.

Role of Central Education in delivering PE

  • To monitor and evaluate the PE curriculum throughout the school.

  • To keep up to date with current good practice and with national changes within the PE curriculum.

  • To assist the Headteacher and Governors in the development school Improvement.

  • To support members of staff in the use of effective planning, assessment and recording systems.

  • To maintain a high standard of PE teaching and ensure that PE keeps a high profile within the school, through  sports activities and external support.


PE Kit

  • Black shorts;

  • White T-shirt;

  • Soft soled trainers for outdoor work;

  • Plain black or grey jogging / tracksuit for cold weather/outdoor lessons.

PE kits should be worn to school on the day your child has PE.


  1. PE