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School Council

Welcome to the School Council

At Kings Heath Primary, we believe in empowering our pupils to become active participants in decision-making and promoting a culture of respect and equality. Our School Council plays a crucial role in ensuring that the voices of our pupilss are heard, and we are proud to be working towards achieving the Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA).

What is the School Council?

The School Council is a group of elected pupils from each class who represent the pupil body. They meet regularly to discuss issues, ideas, and projects that will enhance the school experience for all pupils. The School Council serves as a platform for pupils to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions, and work collaboratively with staff and the wider school community to bring about positive change.

What We Do:

  1. Promote Pupil Voice: The School Council ensures that the voices of our pupils are heard and valued. We actively listen to the ideas, concerns, and suggestions of our peers and work together to address them.

  2. Organize Campaigns and Events: We plan and organize various campaigns and events to raise awareness about children's rights and the importance of respect and equality. These initiatives help to create a positive and inclusive school culture.

  3. Collaborate with Staff and Governors: We work closely with teachers, staff, and the governing body to implement projects and initiatives that promote the rights of children. We value their guidance and support in our journey towards achieving the RRSA.

  4. Class Representatives: Each class elects a representative to bring forward the views and ideas of their classmates during School Council meetings. This ensures that every pupil has a voice and is actively involved in the decision-making process.

Join the School Council:

We encourage all pupils to get involved and make a difference by joining the School Council. Elections are held annually, and any pupil who is passionate about representing their peers and promoting children's rights is welcome to stand for election.

Together, let's create a school community where every child's rights are respected, protected, and fulfilled!